This is broken down into four different categories: Divas, the women's division; Superstars, the singles wrestlers on the main roster; Tag Teams, established teams; and NXT, the "minor leaguers". There are too many to go through every single talent, so I hit the majority of what I think are those worth mentioning.
Ladies first, so let's run through this part of the roster. This may be surprising, but I'm not a fan of the pinup models that can't wrestle. If I want to watch hot women in skimpy clothes bounce around, I can get that in spades on demand from the internet. When I watch woman wrestling, I'm more interested in seeing the gymnastic style with cartwheels, flips, bridges, and the like. It's very rare to find a female that can both throw and sell a punch or kick without it looking staged or pulled. That's why I prefer Natalya, Sasha Banks, and Charlotte over the Bella twins.
The rest of the roster is a little long to go into in-depth, so let's lightning round this...
- Adam Rose - gimmick fail. If he can't reinvent himself completely in NXT he's gone in the next round of talent cuts.
- Alberto Del Rio - Pairing with Zeb Colter made no sense. Strong talent, but I'm only interested in him in secondary belt status, not the world title.
- Big Show - Either an unstoppable monster or a friendly giant, and he's switched back and forth too often to sell either whole-heartedly anymore. One more good run and then retire to Hollywood.
- Bo Dallas - see Adam Rose
- Bray Wyatt - He can carry an entire feud himself just by speaking for 5 minutes a week. The entire Wyatt Family is always good together and worth watching.
- Brock Lesnar - I will not apologize for being a Lesnar fan. His limited appearances make them all the more special, and give them a real big event feel. Along with Pauk Heyman, the best mouth in the business today, I hope Brock stays around a long time.
- Cesaro - One catchphrase away from being the next Daniel Bryan.
- Curtis Axel - If he starts moving merchandise he'll get the respect and airtime he deserves from WWE. Scared he's destined to be forgotten and never get to shine like he should.
- Dean Ambrose - Workhorse that will make any storyline he's put into better than it should be. That may be a curse in WWE though, as he'll probably be used to beef up an otherwise boring mid-card match.
- Dolph Ziggler - Same problem as Ambrose, and too small to be taken seriously by the McMahons. Almost wish he'd jump to TNA or ROH and get a meaningful title run.
- Fandango - He's not fired yet? Huh...
- Jack Swagger - Deserves better. The real American thing works, but I liked it better as a heel (bad guy).
- John Cena - Familiarity breeds contempt, but he can wrestle and is somewhat entertaining. Just wish they'd reign in some of the interviews where he rambles for 20 minutes.
- Kevin Owens - My hands-down favorite superstar right now. Get the title on this man ASAP, then just sit back and let him go.
- Miz - I'm just not a Miz fan. Keep him away from any and all titles and I'll be happy.
- Neville - If only talent alone was enough in the WWE. Sadly his size and lack of mic skills will hold him back.
- Randy Orton - Another one the just never got over with me. I'll never understand what people see in him.
- Roman Reigns - Decent talent, but for me, his personality doesn't sell. He was believable as the silent muscle in the SHIELD, but now they're trying to give him a wise-cracking gimmick similar to what came so natural to his cousin, the Rock; but it just feels forced and unfunny coming from him.
- R-Truth - Wish he would be given more opportunities to compete at a higher level. He deserves more screen time.
- Rusev - Adapt or die, it's time to evolve his personality.
- Ryback - Enough already, just stop.
- Seth Rollins - Tends to ramble a little too much, other than that I'm a fan. Keep it up.
- Sheamus - I will never understand why he's in the main event. Just not a fan.
- Stardust - I'd love to see Cody Rhodes in the main event one day, but Stardust is doing well right now.
- Stephanie McMahon - Quit stepping on other people's lines. Quit trying to upstage everybody all the time. In fact, just quit appearing on tv. Please.
- Tyler Breeze - I hope he picks up steam and moves up the ranks. This kid is fun to watch.
- Wade Barrett - If he never holds the World Heavyweight Championship then the fans have been robbed. He's my go-to sleeper pick for the time being.
- Zack Ryder - I miss the one-legged trunks.
Tag Teams
- The Ascension - Should have had a bigger push upon their debut for that gimmick to work. Now, they're hard to take seriously.
- The Dudley Boys - Teach the new teams the art of proper tag team wrestling, then retire on a high note.
- The Lucha Dragons - If WWE would fully embrace the Lucha style like WCW did for one match a show, the world would be a better place.
- New Day - ROCKS! My only beef is Xavier Woods not getting enough ring time. His match with Cena was great, but his mic (and trombone) skills are making him more of a manager. and that's not good.
- Prime Time Players - They get lost in the shuffle with all the new emerging teams, which is a shame.
- The Usos - Steady and reliable. Room for improvement, but don't change too much.
- Apollo Crews - Fast track this man to every title possible. He's got talent, charisma, and a story people can get behind. Only good things can come from that combo.
- Finn Balor - As long as he continues to sell the demon as a serious thing, and it doesn't become a joke or become overused, he should be just fine.
- Hideo Itami - If he can prove American fans like Japanese style work, he will go far.
- Sammi Zayn - I liked his El Generico character from the indys, but he seems to be doing well without the mask and speaking English. The sky is the limit for this guy.
- Samoa Joe - The question is, is WWE ready for Joe?