Surviving The Strength Of The Winds Of Change


Lots of changes over the past few months, and lots of stuff to talk about. Time slows for no man, and apparently, I am no exception to that rule; as time continues to march on right over me, and I'm just trying to keep from getting lapped. But what is it that has happened? What's got me running around like a chicken without a head? What could possibly motivate this former fat (but still lovably chubby) guy to get up and go? Let's find out together, shall we?

Change of Adress

The first change is one of physical location. For those who don't know my wife and I personally, and even some of you that do, you may not be aware of the fact that the house we lived in the past 11 years was the house her paternal grandparents owned which her father grew up in. So her family has had direct ties to that address for the past 51 years... until now. Yes, we sold it and moved on. It wasn't a spur of the moment decision. We always knew that wasn't our "forever home". It was great that we were able to live there, and while we hold nothing against the house or neighborhood directly; we just simply outgrew the old structure.

After remodeling the bathroom and kitchen, putting new flooring in every room except the hallway and stairs, painting each room at least once (most of them 2 or 3 times), closing in the backyard with a fence, and rebuilding both the front and back porch; it was time to call it quits. A new housing plan popped up in the area we were looking at, and we jumped at the opportunity. Now we're in-between houses, closed and moved out of the old house and living with my parents once again while the new house is finished. Hey, it's only a couple weeks, and one of those weeks we're on vacation, so we're not driving each other crazy for too long.

Change of Scenery

If you haven't noticed, this blog has a new web home! While formerly residing at, Boo's Insane and Inane Ramblings has moved to its new home at This move came with a complete overhaul of the website, and a nice new unique look that I couldn't be happier with. Along with that, a new Facebook page was started at, wherein the insanity and inanity continue far beyond where the restraints of this little blog. So like the page, surf around the website, and drop a line from the contact page to let me know your thoughts on all the shiny newness that is being displayed currently on your screen. And, as always, don't forget to like, share, and follow everywhere and every way you can!!

Change of Attitude

On a more serious, and more personal note, I've taken a big step in my personal life. I've spoken before about my bouts of self-diagnosed depression, and my views on dealing with pain, and after some more minor personal breakdowns, I decided to see just how accurate my self-assessment was. So I started talking to a psychiatrist, and after a few days of talking about my experiences and my feelings, and participating in a brief Q&A, it was determined that I do suffer from clinical depression. So I began seeing a therapist regularly, and while I'm still early in the process, having only a few sessions under my belt, so far it's lived up to the billing of what Hollywood portrays it to be. Most of the time the doctor is asking me questions to try to get me to see things from a different point of view, and to try and force me to answer everything myself. When that doesn't work, she does give little "exercises", or things to think about, that are designed to help quell my anxieties and prevent another meltdown. Only time will tell if this helps in the long run, so look forward to more posts on this in the futrue...


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