What Characters Of The Screen Share My Disposition?

          So this post is a couple things I like all thrown together. Movies, television, personal reflection, self deprecating humor, and poor self-esteem. Sounds fun, let's get this started!

Dante Hicks

          Let's start with one of my favorite movies from Kevin Smith and the lead character that describes a major part of my personality. My first character reference is Dante from Clerks: Morose, depressed, and unable to change his surroundings just to improve his own life. 

"My mother told me once that my potty lid was closed, and instead of lifting it, I [pooped] my pants." ... "Point is-I'm not the kind of person that disrupts things in order to [poop] comfortably."

Stanley Ipkiss

          The next part is Stanley Ipkiss from The Mask: Cartoon loving, hopeless romantic with an inferiority complex. The classic nice guy finishing last.

          And finally, part Gomez Addams: Eccentric, odd, in his own world, but madly in love with wife and would do anything for his family.
"I'm the luckiest man on earth... I've got a family that supported me even BEFORE I became a failure!

Your turn

How do you think you fare? If you had to describe your personality as it relates to characters of the silver screen, both large and small, who would you choose and why. You don't have to choose three, you can select as many or as few as you want. Just have a rational explanation for why you choose who you did. I look forward to seeing some interesting personal reflections in the comments sections below...
Tweet:  How I see myself: (using TV and movie references) http://ctt.ec/9S30b+ @BoofersonJ

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  1. Hehe. Fun post. Doesn't apply to me of course--I'm unique.

  2. This is a fun post! I'd have to say I'm a little Lydia Deets (beetlejuice), part Carrie Bradshaw, and a lot of Morticia Adams, all rolled into Melissa McCarthy. LOL

    1. Well 3 out of 4 ain't bad. Big fan of Lydia, Morticia, and Mrs. McCarthy. Carrie Bradshaw, not so much... Lol.
      We'll done, though! If you write your own post expanding on those choices and why you made them, link it here. I'd love to read more!

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